Nephrology Conferences

Nephrology Conferences will provide the best platform for all the global researchers where the research about Nephrology will be discussed in detail to increase knowledge and enhance research and development in the field of Nephrology. It involves the specialty of adult internal medicine and pediatric medicine that is concerned with the study of the kidneys, specifically normal kidney function, kidney disease, the preservation of kidney health and the treatment of kidney disease, from diet and medication to renal replacement therapy.

About Longdom

Longdom organises leading international conferences and webinars and is instrumental in bringing together experts and beginners for cooperative and effective research-oriented discussions. The goal of Longdom conferences is to bring together scientists at every level from different disciplines to understand and discuss during programmed topic sessions and informal gatherings. Longdom conferences will showcase innovative, cutting-edge research on the fundamental roles in addressing the challenges and translational research from academia to industry. 

Speakers Interview