
Aug 28-30, 2023    London, UK
2nd International Conference on

Pediatrics and Pediatrics Healthcare


General Pediatrics/Emergency Medicine

In the medical field of general pediatrics/emergency medicine, children's acute and chronic illnesses are identified, treated, and managed. General pediatricians and emergency medicine experts collaborate to offer comprehensive treatment for kids in both emergency and non-emergency settings. A wide range of subjects, such as pediatric emergency care, child health, injury prevention, and many more, will be covered throughout the session. Experts in the field will be able to share their knowledge and experiences during this session on issues including managing critically children with illnesses, managing common pediatric crises, and applying evidence-based practices to pediatric care.  Latest technological advances for diagnosing and treating pediatric patients, as well as techniques for enhancing patient outcomes, will also be covered for attendees.

Advances in Pediatric Medicine

The latest inventions, breakthroughs, and advancements in the field of pediatric healthcare are referred to as advances in pediatric medicine. This might include new technology, medications, therapies, and research discoveries that can serve to better the health and welfare of children. In order to further the area of pediatric medicine, this conference session will bring together doctors, researchers, healthcare professionals, and other specialists in the field. Participants will depart with a stronger comprehension of the most recent developments in pediatric medicine as well as the capacity to use this knowledge to enhance patient care in their local settings. Don't pass up this wonderful chance to participate in defining the future of pediatric care by attending the Conference on Advances in Pediatric care in 2023. Join us in our effort to enhance the health and wellbeing of children everywhere by registering right now.

Pediatric Advanced Life Support

A set of guidelines and protocols called Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) are used by medical professionals to treat seriously ill or wounded kids. It is intended to give healthcare providers the knowledge and abilities they need to effectively deal with life-threatening crises in young patients. The opportunity to hear from eminent speakers and participate in interactive workshops on the most recent developments and techniques for providing advanced life support for children in emergency scenarios will be available to participants. Healthcare professionals who complete PALS training are better prepared to handle pediatric emergencies and give critically ill or injured children the best treatment possible.

Future of Pediatric Healthcare

Pediatric healthcare is a dynamic profession that will continue to change as a result of demographic shifts, medical research, and technological improvements. Pediatric treatment is becoming increasingly individualized and accessible as a result of the development of digital health, telemedicine, and precision medicine. The inclusion of technology in Pediatric care, the significance of genetics and genomics in diagnosing and treating pediatric illnesses, and increasing access to healthcare for children in impoverished regions are some other potential debate points.This session will give pediatric healthcare professionals the information and resources they need to advance the field and enhance outcomes for kids all around the world, with an emphasis on best practices and cutting-edge research. 

Pediatric Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyles

Pediatric nutrition and healthy lifestyles are concerned with ensuring that children consume sufficient nutrition and engage in physical exercise to support their growth, development, and general health. The Pediatric Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyles presentation will give attendees with a comprehensive review of the important concerns and difficulties confronting children's health today. The conference will give an opportunity for delegates to network with their colleagues, share ideas and information, and make vital contacts in the sector. Whether you are a doctor, nutritionist, researcher, educator, or student, this conference will offer you the information and resources you need to help children attain and maintain maximum health via correct nutrition and healthy lifestyles.

Child Development Psychology

The study of child development psychology examines how kids grow and change throughout time. From birth to puberty, it includes the study of physical, cognitive, and emotional growth and development. Attendees will receive a thorough review of the most important ideas, studies, and therapies in the field of child development psychology during the session on it. Leading specialists, key players, and thought leaders will be gathered for the session to explore the most recent developments, difficulties, and best practices in child development psychology. This conference will provide you with the knowledge and resources you need to improve your understanding of child development psychology and have a positive influence on the lives of children, whether you're a psychologist, educator, researcher, or student.

Pediatric Emergency Critical Care

Pediatric emergency critical care is a subspecialty of medicine that concentrates on providing critical care to severely ill or wounded children in a timely and effective manner. It entails the treatment of a wide range of illnesses, including severe injuries, respiratory distress, shock, seizures, and cardiac arrest. The Pediatric Emergency and Critical Care workshop will give attendees a detailed review of the essential difficulties and challenges that children face in emergency and critical care scenarios. It will also discuss the difficulties that healthcare personnel encounter while treating critically sick children, such as a lack of access to specialist treatment and a lack of funding. This session's presenters will include Pediatric emergency critical care professionals, including emergency medicine physicians, critical care specialists, and other healthcare practitioners.

Pediatric Cardiology

Pediatric cardiology is a pediatric specialization concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of heart and blood vascular problems in newborns, children, and adolescents. Pediatric cardiologists are uniquely educated to identify and treat a wide range of cardiac disorders, including as congenital heart abnormalities, abnormal heart rhythms, and acquired heart illnesses. The Pediatric Cardiology workshop will give attendees a detailed review of the important concerns and challenges that children with heart disorders face. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about cutting-edge diagnostic techniques, novel therapies for child heart diseases, and the most recent developments in pediatric heart surgery. Whether you are a physician, researcher, educator, or student, this conference will provide you with the resources and techniques.

Pediatric Dermatology

Pediatric dermatology is a dermatology specialist concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of skin, hair, and nail disorders in newborns, children, and adolescents. Pediatric dermatologists are educated to identify and treat skin disorders such as birthmarks, skin infections, acne, eczema, and skin rashes. The Pediatric Dermatology workshop will give attendees a detailed review of the important concerns and challenges that children with skin diseases face. It also discusses the significance of early skin problem diagnosis and care, the influence of genetics and environmental variables, and the most recent research in the area. This event will give a good chance for Pediatricians, dermatologists, and other healthcare professionals to broaden their knowledge and keep current on Pediatric research.

Pediatric Neurology

Pediatric neurology is a specialty of neurology that specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of neurological disorders in babies, children, and adolescents. Pediatric neurologists are educated to assess, diagnose, and treat a wide range of neurological illnesses such as seizures, headaches, developmental delays, movement abnormalities, and neurodegenerative diseases. The Pediatric Neurology workshop will give attendees a detailed review of the important concerns and challenges that children with neurological disorders face. Specialists will provide updates on a variety of illnesses such as cerebral palsy, epilepsy, migraine, developmental delay, and autism. They will go through current diagnosis and treatment options for various disorders, including the utilization of medicinal, surgical, and interventional procedures. Participants will be able to join in conversations and exchange ideas during the session.

Pediatric Mental Health

The psychological health of children and adolescents is referred to as pediatric mental health. It also covers the identification, therapy, and management of behavioral and emotional problems, as well as conditions including anxiety, depression, ADHD, and other mental health issues that can impact kids and teenagers. The "Pediatric Mental Health" session will cover new developments in the diagnosis and treatment of various mental health issues in this age range while highlighting the significance of mental well-being in children. New drugs, therapeutic methods, and telehealth solutions will all be covered in the newest research findings presented by the speakers on creative treatment modalities. Participants will leave with a better grasp of how to support children in need and increase access to care as well as insights on the most recent advancements in pediatric mental health.

Pediatric Orthopedics

The diagnosis and treatment of orthopedic disorders in children and adolescents is the focus of the medical specialty known as pediatric orthopedics. This covers a broad spectrum of ailments, from those that are congenital (existing at birth), such as clubfoot and scoliosis, to those that develop over time, like fractures, sports injuries, and developmental dysplasia of the hip. The workshop on pediatric orthopedics will give attendees a thorough review of the major problems and difficulties that kids with orthopedic diseases must deal with. New surgical methods, the significance of physical therapy and rehabilitation in treatment, and the psychosocial effects of orthopedic problems on children and their families will all be discussed. Prominent professionals in the field will offer their knowledge and perceptions on typical orthopedic diseases, as well as recent advancements in physical therapists and the treatment of neurological dysfunction in children with disabilities. These conditions include clubfoot, spinal abnormalities, and traumatic injuries.

Pediatric Pulmonology

The medical specialty of Pediatric Pulmonology is dedicated to the identification and management of pediatric respiratory diseases. This covers a wide range of ailments, from acquired ailments like asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia to congenital (present at birth) ailments like cystic fibrosis and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Attendees will receive a thorough rundown of the major problems and difficulties that kids with respiratory diseases must deal with during the presentation on Pediatric pulmonary medicine. The Pediatric Pulmonology session will give a thorough overview of the most recent developments and therapies in pediatric pulmonology. Leading specialists in the area who will share their knowledge and experiences in the diagnosis and management of  Pediatric lung disorders will make presentations throughout the event. Also, the session will give participants a forum for an engaging experience and question-and-answer sessions with the speakers. Attendees will leave this session with a greater awareness of the state of pediatric pulmonology as well as the most recent knowledge to help treat and treat children with lung disorders more effectively.

Pediatric Trauma and Depression

Physical pain or injury to a kid, frequently as a result of an accident or other stressful incident, is referred to as Pediatric trauma. Depending on the severity and kind of the injury, paediatric trauma can have minor to severe consequences on children and their families, as well as long-lasting physical, emotional, and psychological effects. Attendees will receive a thorough review of the major problems and difficulties faced by kids who have gone through traumatic experiences or are depressed during the presentation on Pediatric trauma and depression. Topics will include the consequences of trauma and depression on brain development, risk factors, and early intervention options. The session will also look at the role of technology and telehealth in delivering care and support to disadvantaged children and families. Attendees will have a greater knowledge of the obstacles and potential for improving pediatric trauma and depression treatment by the end of the programme.

Pediatric Chronic Conditions

Pediatric chronic conditions are health issues that last for an extended length of time and can have an influence on a child's quality of life, daily functioning, and general well-being. Asthma, diabetes, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and autism are some instances of childhood chronic diseases. The Pediatric Chronic Diseases workshop will give attendees a detailed review of the important concerns and obstacles that children with chronic illnesses face. Conditions such as asthma, diabetes, and heart disease, which are increasingly impacting youngsters and have a substantial influence on their quality of life, will be the emphasis. Specialists will address the most recent research findings, clinical trials, and novel ways to treatment, as well as the use of telemedicine and other technology. The workshop will also look at the social and emotional impact of chronic diseases on children and their families, as well as ways for improving patient outcomes and ensuring that all children in need have access to treatment.

Pediatric Infectious Diseases

Pediatric infectious diseases are illnesses caused in children by infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. Measles, streptococcal pharyngitis (strep throat), chickenpox, and human immunodeficiency virus are a few examples (HIV). The Pediatric Infectious Diseases session will provide attendees with a comprehensive overview of the key issues and challenges that children with infectious diseases face. Pediatric infectious illnesses are a major public health problem. This session will concentrate on the most recent developments and difficulties in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of infectious illnesses in children. Vaccine-preventable illnesses, bacterial and viral infections, and emerging infections are among the topics to be discussed. The significance of cleanliness, sanitation, and community awareness in avoiding the spread of infectious illnesses will also be discussed.

Childhood Obesity and Diabetes

Childhood obesity and diabetes are emerging public health problems with long-term health consequences. Childhood obesity is a condition in which a kid has too much body fat and is classified as overweight or obese, whereas diabetes is a chronic disease in which the body is unable to efficiently balance its blood sugar levels. The Childhood Obesity and Diabetes workshop will give attendees a complete review of the important difficulties and obstacles that children with these diseases face. It will look into the rising issue of pediatric obesity and the ramifications of this condition. The causes, physiological and psychological repercussions, and the most recent therapies and interventions may all be discussed. The workshop will also look at the link between childhood obesity and type 2 diabetes development. Given the growth of kid obesity rates, it is vital for healthcare personnel to be aware about this issue and work towards prevention and treatment techniques.

Pediatric Immunization

The injection of vaccinations to children in order to protect them against numerous infectious illnesses is referred to as pediatric immunization. Vaccination is one of the most essential components of pediatric treatment because it helps prevent disease transmission and protects children from serious and sometimes fatal infections. The Pediatric Immunization session will give attendees a complete review of the important concerns and challenges confronting pediatric vaccination programs, as well as the impact of vaccines on child health. Speakers will cover the latest breakthroughs in vaccination research and administration approaches. The seminar will also discuss the obstacles of achieving sufficient vaccine coverage for children, as well as strategies for overcoming them. It will go through the various vaccine regimens for different age groups and highlight the importance of children receiving timely and full immunizations.

Pediatric Surgery and Minimally Invasive

The surgical treatment of illnesses and diseases in newborns, children, and adolescents is known as pediatric surgery. Pediatric surgery's purpose is to deliver safe and effective surgical intervention while reducing the risk of long-term problems and maximising the child's rehabilitation and quality of life. The Pediatric Surgery and Minimally Invasive Methods event will bring together a broad collection of professionals to share their expertise and experience, including pediatric surgeons, pediatricians, anesthesiologists, and other specialists. It will emphasise the advantages of minimally invasive operations and how they may give children with less painful, less intrusive, and less traumatic experiences. Pediatric surgery experts will address minimally invasive surgical approaches such as laparoscopic surgery, endoscopic surgery, and robotic surgery. The discussion will also discuss the outcomes of these operations and how they differ from regular surgeries.

Pediatric Rehabilitation

Pediatric rehabilitation is a medical specialty concerned with the physical and cognitive recovery of children who have disabilities, injuries, or other impairments. Its goal is to assist youngsters in regaining their maximal degree of function and independence while also improving their quality of life. The Pediatric Rehabilitation session will bring together a varied collection of experts to share their knowledge and experience, including pediatric rehabilitation specialists, physicians, and other healthcare professionals. Participants will learn about the necessity of rehabilitation for children with impairments, injuries, or illnesses, as well as the advantages of early intervention. Discussion topics may include the use of technology and novel techniques in rehabilitation, the importance of physical therapy and occupational therapy in recovery, and the advantages of multidisciplinary teams in rehabilitation.

Pediatric Complementary Alternative Medicine

Pediatric Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) refers to a variety of medical and healthcare practices, products, and therapies that do not fall under the purview of orthodox medicine. This encompasses acupuncture, chiropractic, herbal medicine, homeopathy, massage treatment, and many more disciplines. Keynote speakers, interactive workshops, case presentations, and panel discussions on a variety of themes, including herbal medicine, acupuncture, chiropractic, and other complementary and alternative therapies for children, will be included during the Pediatric CAM session. This conference will equip you with the resources and information you need to improve your knowledge and abilities in Pediatric CAM, whether you are a healthcare professional, researcher, or practitioner. You will be able to network with your colleagues, make valuable contacts, and exchange ideas.

Pediatric Palliative Care

Pediatric palliative care is a subspecialty of medicine that focuses on enhancing the quality of life of children and families dealing with life-threatening or life-limiting diseases. The goal of pediatric palliative care is to offer children and families with physical, emotional, and spiritual support during their journey. Keynote speakers, interactive workshops, case presentations, and panel discussions on a variety of subjects, including symptom management, end-of-life care, family support, and the role of technology in pediatric palliative care, will be included at the Pediatric Palliative Care session. Pediatric palliative care is a branch of pediatrics that focuses on symptom management and quality of life for children and adolescents with life-limiting illnesses. Experts will present the most recent breakthroughs and best practices in pediatric palliative care at this conference session. Participants will obtain a better knowledge of the unique problems and possibilities in pediatric palliative care, as well as hear about multidisciplinary methods of caring for children with life-threatening illnesses.

Pediatric Telehealth

The use of telecommunications and information technology to deliver healthcare services to children and adolescents is referred to as pediatric telehealth. The conference will offer delegates an opportunity to hear about the most recent research, best practices, and innovations in pediatric telehealth, with an emphasis on increasing access to treatment and outcomes for children and their families. Keynote speakers, interactive workshops, case presentations, and panel discussions on a variety of themes, including telemedicine, remote patient monitoring, telehealth technology, and policy and regulatory problems, will be included during the Pediatric Telehealth session. Telehealth has become an important technique in pediatric care due to the growing demand for distant healthcare services. Attendees will hear about the most recent breakthroughs in telehealth technology and their influence on pediatric care during this session. There will be discussions on telemedicine consultations, remote monitoring of chronic illnesses, and the use of virtual reality in rehabilitation.

Pediatric Genetics

Pediatric genetics is the study of genetic and inherited variables that influence children's growth and health. Genetic disorders, chromosomal abnormalities, hereditary illnesses, and the genetic underpinnings of common pediatric ailments such as autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and obesity are all covered in this discipline. Keynote speakers, panel discussions, interactive workshops, and case presentations will address a wide range of subjects, including the most recent breakthroughs in genetic testing, precision medicine, and individualized treatment for children with genetic diseases. The Pediatric Genetics session will focus on the most recent advances and developments in pediatric genetics and how they are affecting the future of pediatric healthcare. Experts in the area will speak to attendees about current and upcoming technologies, such as genetic testing and customized medicine, that are assisting in the diagnosis and treatment of genetic problems in children.

Precision Medicine in Pediatrics

Precision Medicine in Pediatrics is a unique approach to healthcare that promises to give children with individualized and effective treatment. Precision medicine's objective is to identify the underlying reasons for a child's health issue and utilize that knowledge to design focused therapies that will deliver the greatest outcomes for each unique patient. This conference will look at the most recent research and best practices in precision medicine, as well as give attendees the tools and information they need to effectively incorporate precision medicine into their clinical practice. The most recent advances in genetic testing tailored treatment strategies, and the use of big data and technology in precision medicine will be discussed. This conference will offer you with the knowledge and skills you need to improve your practice and patient outcomes, whether you are a pediatrician, genetic counselor, or healthcare worker. You will also be able to network with peers, make key contacts, and share ideas and information with renowned professionals in the industry.


Neonatology is a pediatric specialization concerned with the care and management of infants, particularly those who are sick or require special medical attention. It includes neonatal medical treatment from the time they are born until they reach the age of 28 days. The event will concentrate on improving outcomes for preterm and unwell babies and delivering the best possible care. The workshop will also emphasize the importance of technology in enhancing newborn care, such as telehealth, telemedicine, and wearable monitoring and treatment devices. Attendees will learn about novel ideas and solutions for improving neonatal outcomes, as well as the most recent research and best practices in the area. The session will give an opportunity for attendees to network, share ideas, and interact with subject matter experts. The "Neonatology" session at Pediatrics 2023 will give useful insights and inspiration for those seeking to enhance neonatal care and outcomes for infants by bringing together a broad group of specialists from across the world.
Speakers Interview