
Sep 09-10, 2024    Paris, France
5th International Conference on

Personalized Medicine and Novel Therapy


Personalized Medicine : Drug Discovery and Patient Care

Personalized medicine, the use of marker-assisted diagnosis and targeted therapies derived from an individual's molecular profile, will impact the way drugs are developed and medicine is practiced. Personalized medicine in drug discovery leverages genomic insights, high-throughput screening with patient-derived models, and biomarker-driven clinical trials to create targeted therapies. In patient care, it utilizes pharmacogenomics and AI for predictive modelling to tailor treatments, improving efficacy and minimizing side effects. This approach enhances the precision and personalization of healthcare.

Genomic Profiling and Pharmacogenomics

Genomic profiling plays a central role in personalized medicine by providing detailed information about an individual's genetic makeup, which can be used to tailor medical care to their specific needs and Pharmacogenomics, a key component of personalized medicine, focuses on understanding how an individual's genetic makeup influences their response to medications. By analysing genetic variations that affect drug metabolism, efficacy, and adverse reactions, pharmacogenomics enables healthcare providers to tailor medication regimens to each patient's unique genetic profile.

Precision Diagnosis

Precision diagnosis refers to the use of advanced technologies, techniques, and knowledge to accurately identify diseases or conditions in individuals. It aims to move beyond traditional diagnostic methods, which may rely solely on symptoms and general tests, to provide more personalized and effective healthcare. Precision diagnosis represents a shift towards a more personalized and precise approach to healthcare, with the potential to revolutionize how diseases are diagnosed and treated.

Microbiome Research

Gut Microbiome: Understanding the role of the gut microbiome in health and disease is leading to personalized probiotic and dietary interventions.

Microbiome-Based Therapies: Developing treatments that modulate the microbiome to improve patient outcomes.

AI in Diagnostics and Care

One of the most promising areas is using AI algorithms in imaging analysis, such as AI-based assistance to check for lung nodules or tumors on MRI and CT scans. AI is also being used to identify potential new therapies from databases of information on existing medicines. This could improve drug development’s efficiency and success rate and accelerate the process of bringing new drugs to market.

Personalized Vaccinology

Vaccinology is to determine and develop extremely immunogenic and safe vaccines that protect against infectious and non-infectious i.e., cancers diseases but it is failure till date because of both pathogen and host variability. For hyper-variable viral pathogens like HIV, HCV and rhinovirus it has been unable to discover and develop highly immunogenic vaccine. Host variability is evident in the multiplicity of immune response genes that encode >1012 products necessary for generating immune responses i.e., antibodies and T cell receptors.

Preventive Medicine & Public Health Care

Preventive Medicine is sharpened by all specialists to keep their patients sound. It is also an extraordinary therapeutic distinguishing strength saw by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). Preventive Medicine focuses on the prosperity of individuals, gatherings, and portrayed peoples. It is similarly used for the treatment for strength, visual hindrance. The Epidemiology Division applies inquire about systems to illustrations and explanations behind prosperity and affliction in the people and to make a translation of this learning into ventures proposed to turn away disease. The division has a long history of consideration in NIH-bolstered multi-site, longitudinal accomplice studies, and its staff deal with various pro began, NIH-upheld investigation endeavours and trials. Open trust in antibodies is a key to the accomplishment of immunization ventures worldwide in the time of preventive solution. The focus of Preventive Medicine and Public Health is health of individuals, communities, and defined populations. To, maintain health and protect, promote and to prevent disease, death and disability. The result of Public health surveillance is the identification and prioritization of public health issues the world is facing today, including HIV/AIDS, antibiotic resistance, diabetes, zoonotic diseases, and waterborne diseases. Preventive Medicine and Public health incorporates the interdisciplinary approaches of epidemiology, biostatistics and health services.

Personalized Medicine in Key Health Fields

Personalized medicine represents a paradigm shift in healthcare towards more precise, individualized approaches to disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.

Reproductive Health:
Fertility Treatments:
Tailoring fertility treatments based on genetic and hormonal profiles.
Prenatal Genomics: Using genomic data to monitor fetal health and predict potential genetic disorders.

Cardiovascular Health: Precision cardiology uses genetic and molecular information to prevent, diagnose, and treat heart diseases more effectively.

Oncology: Precision oncology focuses on identifying the genetic mutations and biomarkers specific to an individual's cancer, leading to targeted therapies.

Dermatology: Personalized dermatology involves tailoring treatments for skin conditions based on genetic and environmental factors, improving outcomes for conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and skin cancer.


Biomarker Testing and Targeted Therapies

Biomarker testing looks for genes, proteins, and other substances that can provide information about illness, especially cancer. This is needed because diseases like cancer can be different in each person; for example, the same type of cancer may not lead to the same changes in the cells of different people.

Targeted therapies are a type of treatment that specifically targets the molecular alterations or pathways that drive the growth and spread of cells. This approach often leads to fewer side effects and improved outcomes for patients.

Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy aims to activate or enhance the body's immune response against cancer cells or other targets. It involves stimulating the immune system's ability to recognize and attack abnormal cells while sparing healthy tissues.

Gene Therapy: Gene therapy is a cutting-edge therapeutic approach that involves the introduction, modification, or regulation of genes within a patient's cells to treat or prevent disease. Gene therapy aims to correct or replace abnormal genes responsible for causing or contributing to disease.

RNA-based Therapeutics: RNA-based therapeutics represent a cutting-edge class of drugs that utilize RNA molecules to modulate gene expression, silence disease-causing genes, or produce therapeutic proteins. RNA-based therapeutics represent a rapidly evolving and promising approach to treating diseases at the molecular level, offering the potential for precise, targeted, and personalized treatments with broad therapeutic applications.

Stem Cell Therapy: Stem cell therapy is a regenerative medicine approach that utilizes the unique properties of stem cells to repair, replace, or regenerate damaged tissues and organs in the body. Stem cells have the remarkable ability to differentiate into various cell types and self-renew, making them valuable tools for treating a wide range of diseases and injuries.

Nanomedicine and Nanorobots for Treatment

The ethics of personalized medicine can help to design the Nano drug to be as effective as possible for each patient. Nano medication ranges from the medical applications of nanomaterials and biological devices to Nano electronic biosensors, and even probable future applications of molecular nanotechnology such as biological machines. In the future, once a targeted treatment is devised, doctors may be able to use Nano-scale robots to deliver the medication directly to the site of the disease. Nano robots can help by delivering treatment compounds to specific targets.

Wearable and Implantable Biosensors

Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs): Real-time tracking of glucose levels for personalized diabetes management.

Implantable Sensors: Devices implanted in the body to monitor physiological parameters and deliver personalized treatments.

Globalization and Health

The procedures of globalization are making new threats to health care and its determinants. Medical problems that rise above national limits incorporate natural corruption and environmental change, disparity and way of life style changes, access to medicines and public health knowledge also additionally new and re-emerging diseases. We encourage participants from technological, community, clinical groups and individual perspectives. We inspire authors to arrange their papers with in global congress significant to their theme; to scrutinize business as usual and innovate new possibilities for public health globally. We plan to reflect and shape the thinking and enhance the health related decisions of scientists, experts, governments, and common society, corporates and United Nations agencies. The objective is to investigate enriching the human services through an interdisciplinary approach.

Modern Public Health Practice

Public health is a part of the infrastructure that maintains our community healthy and safe. It is concerned with threats to health based totally on population health evaluation. The awareness of public health intervention is to enhance fitness and exceptional of existence via prevention and remedy of disease and other physical and mental fitness conditions.
Speakers Interview