
Aug 29-30, 2024    Toronto, Canada
International Congress on

Virology, Emerging Diseases and Vaccines


Viral Pathogenesis and Host-Pathogen Interactions

Molecular mechanisms of viral entry, replication, and dissemination.
Immune responses to viral infections.
Evolutionary aspects of host-pathogen interactions.

Emerging and Re-emerging Viral Diseases

Surveillance and identification of new viral threats.
Case studies on recent outbreaks and their management.

Strategies for rapid response and containment

Vaccine Development and Innovation
Advancements in vaccine design and formulation.
Novel technologies in vaccine development (mRNA, viral vectors, etc.).
Challenges and breakthroughs in vaccine production and distribution.

Antiviral Therapeutics

Development of antiviral drugs and therapies.
Drug resistance and strategies to overcome it.
Clinical trials and outcomes of antiviral interventions.


Diagnostic Techniques in Virology

Molecular and serological diagnostic methods.
Point-of-care diagnostics for viral infections.
Advances in diagnostic technologies.

Epidemiology and Public Health

Global trends in viral infections and disease burden.
Public health strategies for viral disease prevention and control.
Socio-economic impacts of viral outbreaks.

Immunization Programs and Strategies

Vaccination policies and implementation.
Immunization coverage and challenges.
Community engagement and education for vaccine acceptance.

One Health Approaches to Viral Diseases

Understanding the interface between human, animal, and environmental health.
Zoonotic transmission and surveillance.
Collaborative efforts in preventing cross-species transmission.

Biosecurity and Bioterrorism Preparedness

Measures to prevent accidental release of dangerous pathogens.
Strategies for responding to intentional biological threats.
International cooperation in biosecurity.

Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Virology Research

Ethical considerations in clinical trials and research.
Legal frameworks for handling infectious diseases.
Social aspects of vaccination and public health policies.
Speakers Interview