
Sep 19-20, 2024    London, UK
4th International Conference on

Traditional medicine, Natural Products and Medicinal Plants

Longdom Conferences is pleased to announce International Conference on Traditional medicine, Natural Products and Medicinal Plants (Traditional Medicine) which will be held during September 19-20, 2024 in London,UK. Traditional Medicine will focus on the theme of "Integrating Ancestral Wisdom with Modern Science: Advancements in Traditional Medicine" . We are pleased to invite every one of the representatives and visitors to join this multi-day occasion which incorporates plenary addresses, Keynote introductions, Oral talks, Workshops, Poster introductions, and Exhibitions.

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Understand the current state of research | Meet international colleagues and experts | Visit the exhibition of leading-edge technology | Engage with editors of the top journals in your field | Global networking and certification | Brand Launching and many more to explore

Who will be the participants?

Academic Deans and Directors | Professors and project leads | Postdocs and research scholars | Young scientists and students | CEOs/ CFOs/ Chairs/ Vice-Chairs | Marketing/ business and development teams | Experts who are keen-sighted for collaboration | Product designers and resolution workers | Business sales & services professionals | Associations and society members | Funding organizations & fundraisers.

Scientific sessions:
Integrative approaches in traditional and modern medicine aim to blend ancient healing practices with contemporary medical treatments to enhance patient outcomes. By combining the strengths of both systems, healthcare providers can offer holistic care that addresses physical, emotional, and spiritual health. This approach utilizes traditional therapies such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, and Ayurveda along with modern diagnostic tools and treatments. Integrative treatments have proven effective in managing chronic diseases, reducing side effects, and improving overall quality of life. This synergy creates a more comprehensive and personalized healthcare experience for patients.

Relevant conferences: Traditional Medicine | Traditional Alternative Medicine Webcast | Herbal Medicine Podcast | Herbal Medicine Online Events | Holistic Medicine | Herbal Medicine Webcast | Herbal Medicine Podcast | Traditional Medicine Events | Ayurveda Medicine | Ayurveda Webcast | Traditional Medicine Podcast | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Conference |  Traditional Medicine Meetings | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Meetings | Best Alternative Medicine Conference | Amsterdam conferences | Upcoming International Amsterdam conferences | Conferences in Amsterdam | Upcoming Herbal  Conference | Upcoming Herbal Meetings | Upcoming  Acupuncture Conference | Upcoming  Acupuncture Meetings | Upcoming Holistic Medicine Conference | Upcoming Holistic Medicine Meetings | Upcoming  Chinese Medicine Conference | Upcoming Chinese Medicine Meetings

Session 2: Herbal Medicine and Phytotherapy

Herbal medicine and phytotherapy involve the use of plant-based substances for therapeutic purposes. These practices draw on traditional knowledge and modern scientific research to treat and prevent various health conditions. Herbal medicine utilizes whole plants or plant parts, while phytotherapy focuses on the active compounds extracted from plants. Recent advancements have led to more precise extraction methods and a better understanding of the efficacy and safety of these treatments. Clinical trials and evidence-based research continue to validate the benefits of herbal medicine and phytotherapy, making them increasingly integrated into mainstream healthcare for their natural and holistic healing properties.

Relevant conferences: Traditional Medicine | Traditional Alternative Medicine Webcast | Herbal Medicine Podcast | Herbal Medicine Online Events | Holistic Medicine | Herbal Medicine Webcast | Herbal Medicine Podcast | Traditional Medicine Events | Ayurveda Medicine | Ayurveda Webcast | Traditional Medicine Podcast | Upcoming  Traditional Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meetings | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Meetings | Best Alternative Medicine Conference | Amsterdam conferences | Upcoming International Amsterdam conferences | Conferences in Amsterdam | Upcoming Herbal  Conference | Upcoming Herbal Meetings | Upcoming  Acupuncture Conference | Upcoming  Acupuncture Meetings | Upcoming Holistic Medicine Conference | Upcoming Holistic Medicine Meetings | Upcoming  Chinese Medicine Conference | Upcoming Chinese Medicine Meetings

Session 3:Traditional Medicine in Chronic Disease Management

Traditional medicine plays a crucial role in managing chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and arthritis. By incorporating practices like herbal remedies, acupuncture, and dietary modifications, traditional medicine offers complementary treatments that can enhance the effectiveness of conventional therapies. These approaches focus on holistic care, addressing not only physical symptoms but also emotional and spiritual well-being. Studies have shown that integrating traditional medicine can improve patient outcomes, reduce side effects, and enhance the quality of life for individuals with chronic conditions. This synergy between traditional and modern practices provides a comprehensive approach to chronic disease management.

Relevant conferences: Traditional Medicine | Traditional Alternative Medicine Webcast | Herbal Medicine Podcast | Herbal Medicine Online Events | Holistic Medicine | Herbal Medicine Webcast | Herbal Medicine Podcast | Traditional Medicine Events | Ayurveda Medicine | Ayurveda Webcast | Traditional Medicine Podcast | Upcoming  Traditional Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meetings | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Meetings | Best Alternative Medicine Conference | Amsterdam conferences | Upcoming International Amsterdam conferences | Conferences in Amsterdam | Upcoming Herbal  Conference | Upcoming Herbal Meetings | Upcoming  Acupuncture Conference | Upcoming  Acupuncture Meetings | Upcoming Holistic Medicine Conference | Upcoming Holistic Medicine Meetings | Upcoming  Chinese Medicine Conference | Upcoming Chinese Medicine Meetings

Session 4: Ethnopharmacology

Ethnopharmacology is the scientific study of traditional medicines derived from natural sources, particularly those used by indigenous cultures. This field explores the use of plants, fungi, and other natural materials in healing practices, aiming to understand their pharmacological properties and potential benefits. By documenting traditional knowledge and conducting scientific research, ethnopharmacologists work to validate and potentially integrate these ancient remedies into modern medicine. Ethnopharmacology not only helps in discovering new therapeutic agents but also promotes the preservation of cultural heritage and biodiversity.

Relevant conferences: Traditional Medicine | Traditional Alternative Medicine Webcast | Herbal Medicine Podcast | Herbal Medicine Online Events | Holistic Medicine | Herbal Medicine Webcast | Herbal Medicine Podcast | Traditional Medicine Events | Ayurveda Medicine | Ayurveda Webcast | Traditional Medicine Podcast | Upcoming  Traditional Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meetings | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Meetings | Best Alternative Medicine Conference | Amsterdam conferences | Upcoming International Amsterdam conferences | Conferences in Amsterdam | Upcoming Herbal  Conference | Upcoming Herbal Meetings | Upcoming  Acupuncture Conference | Upcoming  Acupuncture Meetings | Upcoming Holistic Medicine Conference | Upcoming Holistic Medicine Meetings | Upcoming  Chinese Medicine Conference | Upcoming Chinese Medicine Meetings

Session 5: Ayurveda

Ayurveda, a traditional system of medicine originating in India over 3,000 years ago, emphasizes a holistic approach to health and wellness. It integrates natural therapies, herbal remedies, dietary practices, and lifestyle interventions to promote balance and harmony within the body and mind. Ayurveda classifies individuals based on their unique constitution, or fundamental bio-elements (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), and tailors treatments accordingly to restore equilibrium. Modern applications of Ayurveda focus on preventive healthcare, chronic disease management, and enhancing overall well-being through personalized, natural approaches.

Relevant conferences: Traditional Medicine | Traditional Alternative Medicine Webcast | Herbal Medicine Podcast | Herbal Medicine Online Events | Holistic Medicine | Herbal Medicine Webcast | Herbal Medicine Podcast | Traditional Medicine Events | Ayurveda Medicine | Ayurveda Webcast | Traditional Medicine Podcast | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meetings | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Meetings | Best Alternative Medicine Conference | Amsterdam conferences | Upcoming International Amsterdam conferences | Conferences in Amsterdam | Upcoming Herbal  Conference | Upcoming Herbal Meetings | Upcoming  Acupuncture Conference | Upcoming  Acupuncture Meetings | Upcoming Holistic Medicine Conference | Upcoming Holistic Medicine Meetings | Upcoming  Chinese Medicine Conference | Upcoming Chinese Medicine Meetings

Session 6: Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine developed in the late 18th century by Samuel Hahnemann. It is based on the principle of "like cures like," which means that a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person can be used in small, highly diluted amounts to treat similar symptoms in a sick person. Homeopathic treatments involve using natural substances from plants, minerals, and animals, prepared through a process of serial dilution and succussion . Homeopathy is used worldwide for various conditions, from chronic illnesses like asthma and arthritis to acute ailments like colds and flu. Despite ongoing debates about its scientific validity, many people report positive outcomes from homeopathic treatments.

Relevant conferences: Traditional Medicine | Traditional Alternative Medicine Webcast | Herbal Medicine Podcast | Herbal Medicine Online Events | Holistic Medicine | Herbal Medicine Webcast | Herbal Medicine Podcast | Traditional Medicine Events | Ayurveda Medicine | Ayurveda Webcast | Traditional Medicine Podcast | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meetings | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Meetings | Best Alternative Medicine Conference | Amsterdam conferences | Upcoming International Amsterdam conferences | Conferences in Amsterdam | Upcoming Herbal  Conference | Upcoming Herbal Meetings | Upcoming  Acupuncture Conference | Upcoming  Acupuncture Meetings | Upcoming Holistic Medicine Conference | Upcoming Holistic Medicine Meetings | Upcoming  Chinese Medicine Conference | Upcoming Chinese Medicine Meetings

Session 7: Traditional Medicine and Mental Health

Traditional medicine plays a significant role in mental health care by offering holistic approaches that address the mind, body, and spirit. Practices such as Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and indigenous healing traditions provide complementary treatments for mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, and stress. These traditional methods often include herbal remedies, acupuncture, meditation, yoga, and other mind-body techniques. By integrating traditional practices with modern mental health care, practitioners can provide more comprehensive and personalized treatment plans, improving patient outcomes and overall quality of life.

Relevant conferences: Traditional Medicine | Traditional Alternative Medicine Webcast | Herbal Medicine Podcast | Herbal Medicine Online Events | Holistic Medicine | Herbal Medicine Webcast | Herbal Medicine Podcast | Traditional Medicine Events | Ayurveda Medicine | Ayurveda Webcast | Traditional Medicine Podcast | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meetings | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Meetings | Best Alternative Medicine Conference | Amsterdam conferences | Upcoming International Amsterdam conferences | Conferences in Amsterdam | Upcoming Herbal  Conference | Upcoming Herbal Meetings | Upcoming  Acupuncture Conference | Upcoming  Acupuncture Meetings | Upcoming Holistic Medicine Conference | Upcoming Holistic Medicine Meetings | Upcoming  Chinese Medicine Conference | Upcoming Chinese Medicine Meetings

Session 8: Regulatory and Ethical Issues in Traditional Medicine

Regulatory and ethical considerations in traditional medicine encompass ensuring the safety, efficacy, and quality of traditional treatments while upholding cultural heritage and intellectual property rights. This involves rigorous testing and validation to confirm the safety and effectiveness of traditional remedies, alongside establishing standards for product production and distribution to maintain consistency and prevent contamination. Protecting the knowledge and practices of indigenous and local communities is crucial to prevent exploitation and ensure fair benefit-sharing, requiring comprehensive policies and regulations to integrate traditional medicine into national healthcare systems responsibly. Ethical considerations include addressing issues such as informed consent, cultural sensitivity, and ethical conduct in research involving traditional medicine practitioners and communities. Striking a balance between these regulatory and ethical aspects is essential for the responsible integration of traditional medicine into modern healthcare, fostering trust and safeguarding patient well-being.

Relevant conferences: Traditional Medicine | Traditional Alternative Medicine Webcast | Herbal Medicine Podcast | Herbal Medicine Online Events | Holistic Medicine | Herbal Medicine Webcast | Herbal Medicine Podcast | Traditional Medicine Events | Ayurveda Medicine | Ayurveda Webcast | Traditional Medicine Podcast | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meetings | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Meetings | Best Alternative Medicine Conference | Amsterdam conferences | Upcoming International Amsterdam conferences | Conferences in Amsterdam | Upcoming Herbal  Conference | Upcoming Herbal Meetings | Upcoming  Acupuncture Conference | Upcoming  Acupuncture Meetings | Upcoming Holistic Medicine Conference | Upcoming Holistic Medicine Meetings | Upcoming  Chinese Medicine Conference | Upcoming Chinese Medicine Meetings

Session 9: Nutritional and Lifestyle Interventions

Nutritional and lifestyle interventions play a crucial role in promoting health and preventing diseases. These interventions focus on adopting healthy dietary patterns, incorporating physical activity into daily routines, managing stress effectively, ensuring adequate sleep, and avoiding harmful habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. By emphasizing the importance of balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and other lifestyle modifications, individuals can enhance their overall well-being and reduce the risk of chronic conditions such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and certain cancers. Additionally, personalized dietary plans and lifestyle recommendations tailored to individual needs and preferences can optimize health outcomes and improve quality of life.

Relevant conferences: Traditional Medicine | Traditional Alternative Medicine Webcast | Herbal Medicine Podcast | Herbal Medicine Online Events | Holistic Medicine | Herbal Medicine Webcast | Herbal Medicine Podcast | Traditional Medicine Events | Ayurveda Medicine | Ayurveda Webcast | Traditional Medicine Podcast | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meetings | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Meetings | Best Alternative Medicine Conference | Amsterdam conferences | Upcoming International Amsterdam conferences | Conferences in Amsterdam | Upcoming Herbal  Conference | Upcoming Herbal Meetings | Upcoming  Acupuncture Conference | Upcoming  Acupuncture Meetings | Upcoming Holistic Medicine Conference | Upcoming Holistic Medicine Meetings | Upcoming  Chinese Medicine Conference | Upcoming Chinese Medicine Meetings

Session 10: Sustainable Practices in Traditional Medicine

Sustainable practices in traditional medicine are essential for preserving biodiversity, protecting natural resources, and promoting environmental stewardship. These practices involve sustainable harvesting methods for medicinal plants, conservation efforts to safeguard endangered species, and the cultivation of medicinal herbs in ecologically responsible ways. Additionally, traditional medicine practitioners often emphasize the importance of respecting natural ecosystems and maintaining balance between human health and environmental sustainability. By integrating sustainable practices into traditional medicine, we can ensure the availability of medicinal resources for future generations while minimizing ecological impact and promoting overall well-being.

Relevant conferences: Traditional Medicine | Traditional Alternative Medicine Webcast | Herbal Medicine Podcast | Herbal Medicine Online Events | Holistic Medicine | Herbal Medicine Webcast | Herbal Medicine Podcast | Traditional Medicine Events | Ayurveda Medicine | Ayurveda Webcast | Traditional Medicine Podcast | Upcoming Traditional Medicine ConferenceTraditional Medicine Meetings | Upcoming Traditional Medicine Meetings | Best Alternative Medicine Conference | Amsterdam conferences | Upcoming International Amsterdam conferences | Conferences in Amsterdam | Upcoming Herbal  Conference | Upcoming Herbal Meetings | Upcoming  Acupuncture Conference | Upcoming  Acupuncture Meetings | Upcoming Holistic Medicine Conference | Upcoming Holistic Medicine Meetings | Upcoming  Chinese Medicine Conference | Upcoming Chinese Medicine Meetings

                                                                                                                          Market Analysis Report 

The herbal drugs market has seen significant global growth over the past few decades, driven by increasing awareness of the high costs and side effects associated with synthetic drugs. Traditional medicinal systems worldwide, particularly in India, have long utilized herbal medicine. India’s ancient systems of medicine, including Ayurveda, Siddha, and Unani, rely heavily on plant-based formulations, using more than 90% of herbal ingredients. The country is abundant in medicinal and herbal plants, which not only cater to the healthcare needs of rural populations but also serve as a vital source of raw materials for both traditional and modern therapeutic agents. This review article provides an overview of the knowledge surrounding Indian herbal plant-based medicine in both national and international markets, along with trends in its production, sustainability, and promotion.

The COVID-19 pandemic has catalyzed a notable surge in the market for traditional medicine. With restrictions limiting access to fitness facilities like gyms and clubs, individuals have turned to alternative means to enhance their fitness and immunity. Traditional medicine has emerged as a popular choice for bolstering immunity against COVID-19. This shift in consumer behavior has led to a significant increase in demand for traditional medicine products aimed at supporting overall health and immunity during these challenging times.

The European market is the biggest in the world because of the widespread use of botanicals and other traditional and alternative medicinal practises on the continent. Additionally, it provides the highest levels of earnings in the sector. Due to the increased popularity of the products, which include pharmaceuticals, nutritional supplements, and cosmetic products, Asia and the Pacific are expected to enjoy rapid expansion in the upcoming years. Given that they need a solid foundation, the two biggest markets in the region for herbal medicines are India and China.

In conclusion, the traditional medicine market is experiencing significant growth and transformation, driven by factors such as increasing consumer demand, integration with conventional healthcare, research advancements, globalization, regulatory developments, consumer education, market expansion, and technological innovations. As the market continues to evolve, traditional medicine is expected to play a vital role in shaping the future of healthcare worldwide.

Past Conferences Report

Euro Personalized Medicine 2020 

We gratefully thank all our wonderful Speakers, Conference Attendees, Students, Media Partners, Associations and Exhibitors for making Euro Personalized Medicine 2020 conference the best ever! International Conference Euro Personalized Medicine hosted by the Longdom Conference was held during May 19-20, 2020 at Berlin, Germany based on the theme “Exploring Advances of COVID-19 in Personalized Medicine and Pharmacogenomics

The conference was initiated with the Honourable presence of the Keynote forum. The list includes:

  1. Dr Sergio Marcucci, Luxembourg
  2. Dr Rahul Hajare, India
  3. Dr Amr Elnaggar, UAE
  4. DR Anil Batta, Govt.Medical College, India
  5. Prof Magdy Abouzeid, Egypt
With the grand success of Euro Personalized Medicine 2020, Longdom Conferences is proud to announce the "International Conference on Traditional Medicine" to be held on September 19-20, 2023 at London,UK.
For More details visit our conference :
Speakers Interview