
Nov 16-17, 2023    Paris, France
2nd International Conference on

Digital Health and Telemedicine

Dr. Corinne Isnard Bagnis

Dr. Corinne Isnard Bagnis

Greater Paris University Hospitals - AP-HP Paris, France

Title: "Primum non nocere":Digital tools and mental load in clinicians and patients: the "E3 task force" project


The Covid 19 pandemia has been an extremely potent enhancer of digital health solutions spreading. Telemedicine was already available in France before SARS-COV2, but not used as a standard of care. It seems like when sticking to the expressed needs and objectives, the implementation of digital solutions became a reality with a high level of acceptability. Since e-health is spreading and the commercial offer of digital solutions dramatically increasing, it seems critical to predict the impact of those new tools mental load of users in order to make sure digital solutions really bring better quality of care together with quality of life (patients) or profesional life (health care professionals). Assistance publique -Hôpitaux de Paris launched in 2022 an ambitious project focusing on digital innovation at Hotel Dieu, making the largest hospital in Europe also an active promotor of digital health. This project includes an Innovation Hub, a large incubator for Start-ups, and (among others) the Digital Medical Hub (DMH). DMH is combining an academic platform dedicated to promoting scientific research on E-health and an open innovation structure promoting transformation strategies for e-health projets. Academic DMH initiated (March 2022) an innovative project aiming at defining what are the critical parameters involved into the lived experience of e-health users (clinicians and patients) with regard to mental load. This project included 3 steps : 1) a "consensus of experts" strategy conducted through two to three hours meetings allowing the group to provide a list of the main dimensions impacting the (positive or negative) changes observed on daily life and mental load. The group includes neurosciences experts, clinicians (nephrologist, cardiologist, psychiatrist), e-health and digital solution experts, neuroergonomics and ergonomics experts, work psychologists, health economy specialist, market access experts). The following task of the group is to identify among those dimensions, those that are measurable or propose a way to evaluate them. 2) In paralell, a large opinion barometer is spread among health care professionals, digital entrepreneurs, and stakeholders in the field of health in ordre to collect over 500 answers allowing to describe expectations, fears and representations about e-Health implementation in France. 3) The last step of our research project is to obtain a large consensus of experts (health care profesionals) using the Delphi method, a structured communication technique or method, originally developed as a systematic, interactive forecasting method which relies on a panel of experts. The expert group conducting this research has turned into a Task Force to build the research plan for the next steps, after publishing the first conclusions of this work in the form of a "white book".


Corinne Isnard Bagnis is Professor in Nephrology (2006) at Pitié Salpetrière Hospital, the largest hospital in Europe, were she is in charge of the ambulatory renal care. She recently created the first research group in OncoNephrology in France to promote better care for renal patients with cancer. She introduced patient's empowerment at Sorbonne Medical University by creating the first diploma for patients in the field of patient's education in 2010 (Special Prize IDS from the French Academy of Medicine). In 2015, she implemented the first CME course for clinicians on Mindfulness training to improve quality of care, decrease burnout and promote compassion (over 300 HCP's in 7 years). Since 2017, she has actively been promoting e Health in the field of Nephrology with the first MOOC on renal diseases (EIT Health grant) and is conducting research projects using the AP-HP data lake. She acts as scientific partner at the Digital Medical Hub at AP-HP.