
May 18-19, 2023    Rome, Italy
14th International Conference on

Dental and Oral Health

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International Conference on Dental and Oral Health helps to inform and attract new customers quickly and efficiently. The size and diversity of our advertising options, including banners, sponsored emails, article alerts or newsletters, provide clients with the very best customized marketing opportunities in science and medicine.

Want to be noticed regarding your Products and services? Reach the goal via Longdom Conferences. It is being visited by Young researchers, medical practitioner, engineers, entrepreneurs, eminent scientists, Professors and Nobel laureates from various fields including Medicine, Engineering, Biotechnology, Business Management & many more current topics every day.

If you are searching for promotion of your products and services, this is the highly suitable network for you. Utmost chances are there you will receive direct views from our global visitors for your respective products. Now we are here to offer banner ads on our website which may provide you success across the globe. We will help you to promote your products such as dentistry equipment, dental surgery tools or provide relevant services, to reach worldwide. Advertisement thorough Dental conference will be visible to dentists, dental specialists, dental surgeon, medicine specialists, chemists, principal investigator, and decision makers and so on. 

We do get visitors to our website 24/7 and your promotion thorough us will be bringing traffic from our end. Indirectly with the help our website you will be reaching to new  customers and also you will be getting proper return on investment. Promote your product and services to increase your business globally. All advertisers will also be advertised through conference proceeding..

Requirement: Advertisement banner must be provided in high resolution jpg or jpeg format by the advertising company and must not have copyright infringement. We can also support your events and conferences by providing you with high quality reprints of published articles that can add value to your event.

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