
October 17, 2022    Paris, France

Webinar on

Social Science, Legal Ethics and Humanities


Rural sociology is a field of sociology that is connected with the study of social life in rural areas. It is an active field in much of the world Rural Sociology, as indicated by its name, studies rural society, rural social structures and institutions. The rural society is primarily dependent on agriculture and hence rural sociology also concerns itself on the peasant society.

Social psychology is the scientific study of how people's thoughts, feelings, beliefs, intentions and goals are constructed within a social context by the actual or imagined interactions with others.

Social stratification refers to a society’s classification gradation or categorization of its people into social hierarchy based on criteria of factors like wealth, income, race, education, and power. It is a process of allocation of different statuses or positions determined by class, caste, kinship, gender, age, occupation, income and many other social attributes

Administrative law is the law that governs the administrative actions. As per Ivor Jennings- the Administrative law is the law relating to administration. It determines the organisation, powers and duties of administrative authorities.

Public policy is a process about selecting strategies and making choices. Public policy making include some steps –getting of agenda, policy formulation, policy adoptions, policy implementation. It must be also evaluated to see the intended results, to revise existing and future public programs and projects. Public policy can be studied as producing three types of policies (distributive, regulatory and re-distributive) related with decision making process. Public administration is the set of processes, structures, functions, methods and procedures.

Public international law, or the rule of nations, is historically defined as the system of law regulating diplomatic affairs. So this system is subject to only governments, and general foreign organizations, or the rule of nations, is historically defined as the system of law regulating diplomatic affairs. So this system is subject to only governments, and general foreign organizations.

Organizational anthropology applies the global insights of anthropology as an academic discipline to illuminate the problems and situations we encounter in the everyday groups and organizations in which we all participate every day.
Speakers Interview