
August 17, 2020    Dubai, UAE

Public Healthcare

Webinar on Public Healthcare and Epidemiology


Healthcare is defined as the set of services which is provided for the maintenance and improvement of both physical and mental health for a person’s well-being. Public Health is diverged into population focused which expands into people’s social, economic and physical well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The health professions protect the health of communities through education, policy making and research.

  • Public Health practice
  • Epidemiology
  • Health Environment
  • Medical sociology and Healthcare
  • Various types in Nursing
  • Advancement in Nursing Research
  • Food quality and Nutritional value

Global Health can be described as the practice in maintaining the health and achieving the equity for all people worldwide. This field is extended to Primary care which focuses in individual level clinical care. It is aimed to deliver the health promotion globally to all the levels by providers starting from the community healthcare workers to physicians.Thus, Primary healthcare focuses on the critical challenge in meeting the individual’s health at the global level

  • Environmental healthcare
  • Medical Education
  • Primary care functions
  • Family care and Community Health

Moving towards the new methods and knowledge, Epidemiology can be accessed as an essential tool in order to understand the root causes of diseases and also used to find the efficient approaches towards the preventive and treatment methods of that particular disease.

Preventive Medicine together brings both knowledge and skills towards the public healthcare to promote health and reduce or prevent diseases among the communities, patients and populations

  • Epidemiological concepts and Principles
  • Clinical Medicine
  • Critical care Research
  • Preventive methods and levels
  • Data Management

Public Health Nursing focuses on the communities rather than the individuals in order to increase the socio-economic status by promoting the health. It is performed by the Public Health Nurses who access the health techniques and trends to minimize the health risk factors and provide greatest benefits to the communities.

These nurses would make advocacy with the local, state and federal organisations in improving the health services in under-developed communities. Also, they perform health education campaigns to provide safety and overall health.

  • Nursing Education
  • Challenges in Public Health Nursing
  • Community Nursing Practices

Pharma and Healthcare industry preforms together in sharing the information in improving the patients care through clinical advances and upgraded care. This joint effort will help in the creation of life-sparing medications and their application is in the clinical area. Thus, the Healthcare Professionals plays out the clinical preliminaries which benefits the patients by the improvement of novel medications.

  • Development of the Drug and Research in Treatments
  • Targeted drug delivery and its impacts
  • Improved Health
  • Challenges in Pharmaceutical and Healthcare industry

Infectious diseases are the number one reason for death worldwide, significantly in low financial gain countries, particularly in young youngsters.Infectious diseases kill so many people worldwide than the opposite single cause. Infectious diseases are caused by germs. Germs are small living things that are found all over - in air, soil, and water. You can get infected by touching, eating, drinking or respiratory one thing that contains a germ. Germs also can unfold through animal and bug bites and sexual contact. Vaccines, correct hand washing and medicines will facilitate stop infections.

Three infectious diseases were graded within the high 10 causes of death worldwide in 2016 by the World Health Organization. They’re lower metabolism infections (3.0 million deaths), diarrheal diseases (1.4 million deaths), and TB (1.3 million deaths). HIV/AIDS, that was antecedent on the list, was born from the world list of the highest 10 causes of death (1.0 million deaths in 2016 compared with 1.5 million in 2000), however, it's still a number one reason for death in low financial gain countries. Another communicable disease, malaria, account for a high reason for death in low financial gain countries.

  • Rare Diseases in Cancer
  • Viral Infectious Diseases
  • Prevention of Infectious Diseases
  • Bacterial Infectious Diseases

Nutrition and Dietetics are the integral part of the Healthcare and food science. Dietician Nutritionists works for the people in improving their health with the use of nutrition and food science. They work with the individual’s health promotion which subsequently reflects with the communities in preventing the health problems like obesity, diabetics or hypertension.

Regarding the public healthcare, they play a vital role in creating public awareness of proper food habits and nutritional standards. It also ensures the safety of the food supply.

  • Diet and Gut Microbiome
  • Metabolism and Eating Disorders
  • Clinical and Public Health Nutrition
  • Therapy and Treatments

Contextual investigations are an important record of the clinical acts of a calling. While contextual analyses can't give explicit direction to the administration of progressive patients, they are a record of clinical cooperations which help us to outline inquiries for all the more thoroughly planned clinical investigations.

A contextual analysis is an exploration technique including a very close, inside and out, and itemized assessment of a specific case. For instance, a contextual investigation in medication may inspect a particular patient a specially treated, and a contextual investigation in business may consider a specific company's system. For the most part, a case can be about any unit of examination

The prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer together termed as Oncology. It had been a few years that cancer research had been included in public healthcare as the mortality rate had been increased among the communities. Among all types of cancer, Lung cancer has shown the maximum occurrence among the people. The person who deals with oncology is known as oncologists. Public Health cancer research preforms several test behavioral interventions to reduce cancer risk, identifies programs to make efficient cancer care. The research work towards prevention rather than the treatment methods.

  • Cancer Epidemiology
  • Cancer patient support
  • Advanced preventive and treatment methods
  • Challenges in public health-oncology research
Speakers Interview