
October 19, 2021    London, UK

Webinar on Polymer Science and Chemistry

Aamer Saeed

Aamer Saeed

Quaid-I-Azam University Islamabad Pakistan



Dr. Aamer Saeed is Professor of Chemistry at Quaid-I-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan. He has more than 466 Research Publications, with Impact Factor > 870, h-index 25, citations 3500, six Patents, ten book chapters and 02 books on his credit. He has supervised 19 Ph.D and 56 M.Phil. Students. Fields of research interests include synthetic heterocyclic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, natural products, and material chemistry. He has been awarded the prestigious Alexander von Humboldt Foundation post-doctoral fellowship Germany. He has participated in several national and international conferences/seminars/ trainings and visited as TWAS expert at UNLD Argentina. He has won research grants as Principal Investigator by HEC, PSF, URF and Pak-US Science & Technology Cooperation Program.