
March 26, 2021    London, UK

1st Webinar on

Clinical and medical case reports


Clinical Trials are mainly used for the enhancement of knowledge on medical issues of patients. For the systematic reviewing of such issues medical case reports are used. Published case reports gives fundamental data for ideal patient consideration since they can portray significant logical perceptions that are missed or undetected in clinical preliminaries, and give individuals clinical experiences in this way growing our insight base. The distribution of case reports has in reality become a standard vocabulary of the clinical writing. Clinical case reports are indeed a positive step towards systematic and efficient healthcare. Clinical researches can be of various types. Some of them are as follows:

  • Pilot or Feasibility studies
  • Prevention trials
  • Treatment trials
  • Multi-arm multi-stage trials
  • Screening trials
  • Cohort studies.
  • Observational studies.

The Global Health Reports on the current situation and trends for priority health issues. A key output of the GHR is the anual publication World Health Statistics, which complies statistics for key health indicators on an annual basis. The world health Statistics also include a brief report on annual progress towards the health related Millennium Development Goals. In addition, the GHR provides analytical reports on cross cutting topics such as the report on women and health and burden of disease. Lastly, the GHR provides the link to specific disease or programmer reports with a strong analytical component. 

A medical case report roughly consists of an abstract, introduction, literature review, background, case presentation and discussion. Almost every medical case report maintains this structure which matches with the general requirement of case report publishing journals. Easily accessible hyperlinks are also used for improving the quality of the journal. 

In present times, internet serves as the forum for discussions and consultations. It has helped Case reporting in outstanding ways. Doctors and healthcare proffesionals now have a wider range of support from all over the world. In fact, the internet appears to have become our advanced alternative for office water cooler discussions. Various list servers and medical online communities are also available for such purposes. 

Case databases prove to be a very efficient way to broaden the horizon of case reporting. The BMC series consisting of JMCR, BMCRN are some of the open access journals that provide such databases of case reports. This case report publishing journals is currently zeroing on broadening of the scope. Case databases have become an indispensable part of the research of patient’s condition these days for doctors and health workers. It is particularly helpful in finding if a certain type of condition has been reported before and what treatment procedures has been implemented. Cases Database gives a basic asset to clinicians, analysts, controllers and patients to investigate content and distinguish arising patterns.
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