
July 22, 2020    London, UK

Webinar on Material Science and Nanotechnology

Webinar on Material Science And Nanotechnology will be the world’s foremost conference for all eminent professionals dealing with Material Science and Nanotechnology to come together and enrich this event with their research findings and experiences. Nanomaterials Conference offers over 15 scientific sessions from different areas in the field of advanced cancer treatment and research science in the form of keynote presentations, plenary sessions, oral sessions, panel discussions, posters presentations, workshops, symposia and young researchers’ forum.

Nanomaterials Conference is going to be held in the London City, UK during July 22, 2020. Nanomaterials 2020 will address the succeeding research and development in the field of materials science and engineering, advanced nanomaterials, nanoparticles, nanotechnology applications, nanomaterials safety and regulations, nanoscale materials, materials in ceramics and composites, scope of nanomaterials, nanomedicine, nanobiotechnology, polymers, nano-dentistry, surgical nanorobotics, nanochemistry, nanotoxicology and this will provide a major opportunity for collaboration and interaction among all Material Science and Nanotechnology specialists, research scholars and industry personnel.Nanomaterials Conference will become the leading platform in bringing together all experts and beginners for a friendly and effective research-orient­ed discussion. The goal of Longdom conferences is to bring together scientists at every level from diverse disciplines to understand and discuss throughout the programmed sessions and comfortable gatherings. All these opportunities will support the professional growth of younger scientists that will promote future collaborations and enhance participation and contribution to their exciting research work.

Scientific Sessions

Nanomaterials 2020  is comprised of various tracks and sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in the field of Materials Science and Nanotechnology.

Track 1Materials Science and Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering is a well scientific discipline, expanding in recent decades to surround polymers, ceramics, glass, composite materials and biomaterials. Materials science and engineering involve the design and discovery of new materials and Many of the most pressing scientific problems humans currently face are due to the limitations of the materials that are available and, as a result, major breakthroughs in materials science are likely to affect the future of technology significantly. Materials scientists lay stress on understanding how the history of a material influences its structure. All engineered products from airplanes to musical instruments, alternative energy sources related to ecologically-friendly manufacturing processes, medical devices to artificial tissues, computer chips to data storage devices and many more are made from materials.  In fact, all new and altered materials are often at the heart of product innovation in highly diverse applications.

Materials science and Engineering conferences | Materials science and Engineering Meetings | Materials science and Engineering Events

Track 2: Nanoparticles
Nanoparticles (also known as ultrafine particles225) are defined as having one structural dimension of less than 100nm, making them comparable in size to subcellular structures, including cell organelles or biological macromolecules,222 thereby enabling their ready incorporation into biological systems.

Nanoparticles conferences | Nanoparticles Meetings | Nanoparticles Events

Track 3: Nanotechnology Applications
Nanotechnology is being used in developing countries to help treat disease and prevent health issues. The umbrella term for this kind of nanotechnology is Nanomedicine. In industry, applications may include construction materials, military goods, and nano-machining of Nano-wires, Nano-rods, and few layers of graphene.
Nanotechnology  Applications conferences | Nanotechnology  Applications Meetings | Nanotechnology  Applications Events

Track 4: Nanoscale Materials
 Nanoscale materials are a broadly defined set of substances that have at least one critical dimension less than 100 nanometers and possess unique optical, magnetic, or electrical properties. Ultrafine particulate matter is a well-known example of nanoscale particles found in the environment.
Nanoscale Materials conferences | Nanoscale Materials Meetings | Nanoscale Materials Events

Track 5: Materials in Ceramics and Composites
Materials in Ceramics and Composites are a subgroup of composite materials as well as a subgroup of ceramics. They consist of ceramic fibers embedded in a ceramic matrix. The matrix and fibers can consist of any ceramic material, whereby carbon and carbon fibers can also be considered a ceramic material.

Materials in Ceramics and Composites conferences | Materials in Ceramics and Composites Meetings | Materials in Ceramics and Composites Events

Track 6: Scope of Nanomaterials
Nanomaterials have wide applications in pharmaceutical sciences and technology. Few other predominant areas of use of nanotechnology are in drug delivery and as diagnostic imaging and biosensor. Thus nanomedicines are sub-micron size materials (<1µm) which are used for treatment, monitoring and diagnostic purposes.
Scope of Nanomaterials conferences | Scope of Nanomaterials Meetings | Scope of  Nanomaterials Events

Track 7: Biomedical Nanomaterials
A biomedical nanomaterial is a nanostructured material that is used to construct a device designed to interface with tissues or tissue components in the performance of its function (Williams, 2009).  These materials include nanoparticles, nanofibers, nanotubes, nanowires, and any other Nanoscaled materials or devices.
Biomedical Nanomaterials conferences | Biomedical Nanomaterials Meetings | Biomedical Nanomaterials Events

Track 8: Nanostructures
Nanostructures are structures that range between 1 nm (molecular scale) and 100 nm in at least one dimension. Most are synthetic and can be engineered to a wide range of physical properties. Nano surfaces, cylindrical nanotubes, and Nanospheres are common nanostructures.
Nanostructures conferences | Nanostructures Meetings | Nanostructures Events


Track 9: Polymers
Polymers are materials made of long, repeating chains of molecules. The materials have unique properties, depending on the type of molecules being bonded and how they are bonded. Some polymers bend and stretch, like rubber and polyester. Others are hard and tough, like epoxies and glass.


Polymers conferences | Polymers Meetings | Polymers Events

Track 10: Nanochemistry
Nanochemistry is a branch of Nanoscience, deals with the chemical applications of nanomaterials in nanotechnology. Nanochemistry involves the study of the synthesis and characterization of materials of Nanoscale size.

Nanochemistry conferences | Nanochemistry Meetings | Nanochemistry Events

Track11: Nanotoxicology
Nanotoxicology is the study of the toxicity of nanomaterials. Because of quantum size effects and large surface area to volume ratio, nanomaterials have unique properties compared with their larger counterparts that affect their toxicity.

Nanotoxicology conferences| Nanotoxicology Meetings | Nanotoxicology Events

Speakers Interview