
Oct 19-20, 2023    Madrid, Spain
International Conference on

Medical Tourism and Healthcare Informatics


Medical Tourism and HealthCare

Medical tourism is where people travel from one country to another for medical treatment. The factors that mainly contribute to medical tourism are high costs, prolonged wait for the surgeries, ease, and comfortability, and also to meet the technology and standards of many countries. The various surgeries and transplantations such as Cosmetic Surgery, organ transplantation, Infertility Treatment, etc. … have become prominent among most developed countries. Medical tourism also contributes significantly to government revenues and offers employment opportunities to native individuals.

Travel Behavior of Health Tourists

Scholars interested in user behavior studies have investigated several variables in travel and tourism and linked them to individual behavior. Image of the place, environmental awareness, service perception, preferences, and motivations are all variables to consider and are frequently used to comprehend and forecast destination selections and travel behavior. There's also enough data to imply that adopting a healthy lifestyle is linked to travel. There has been little Empirical research done to explore and examine the nature of the relationship between healthy living and travel behavior if any has been done at all.

Global Economy in Health Care

Globalization is a key challenge to public health, especially in developing countries where also health economists study the functioning of healthcare systems & health-affecting behaviors like drinking, smoking, etc. The framework encompasses both direct and indirect effects on health, operating through the National Economy, household economies, and health-related sectors such as water, sanitation, clinical practices, and education as well as more direct effects on population-level and individual risk factors on the Health Care System.

Healthcare Management and Emerging Trends

Healthcare Management is the responsibility of the whole Healthcare organization although Healthcare Administration takes care of the staff and employees. Hospital management has a trend that is for engaging the gradual value of conscious patients and consumers. Exploring investment models have required finance to switch in the healthcare system. For recognizing the changes in Organization skills and expertise the leaders should accelerate, innovate and improve the value of the Healthcare System. A mutual thread throughout the possibilities of the findings believes that patients will become more involved in their own care.

Challenges Involved in Medical Tourism

Even though there are various edges and opportunities which come under Medical Tourism, potential medical tourists who are looking forward to exploiting these benefits would be considered as a strong challenge. Authorization and varied quality measures which have a refusal worldwide will end up being risky and even dangerous for Medical Tourists to ponder, creating medical commercial enterprise which results in a difficult methodology. Several healthcare policies monitor overall tourism and also medical tourism has various legal and ethical issues such as cross-border services, and hospital management, and also poses a major challenge to healthcare suppliers.

Health Insurance and Equity

Health insurance and equity play a major role in the healthcare system across different populations. Both ensure and secure the whole or part of the risk of a person incurring medical expenses and the risk over a large population and the quality of the health and healthcare. It will be estimating the overall expenses over the risk pool; on the other hand, Health equity is quite different from health equality, as it refers only to the absence of inequality in controllable or remediable aspects of health.

Economic Evaluation and Analysis

Economic evaluation is the process of systematic identification, measurement, and valuation of the inputs and outcomes of two alternative activities, and the subsequent comparative analysis of these. The purpose of economic evaluation is to identify the best course of action, based on the evidence available.

Advancement Technologies and Healthcare

Technology invades every dimension of critical care. Medical technology is a broad field where innovation plays a significant role in sustaining human health. Areas like biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, information technology, biomedical engineering which includes the development of medical devices and equipment, and more have all made significant contributions to improving the health of people all around the world. Technology in health care is a crucial focus of research which in the future will continue to develop in dramatic ways. Stem cell research is an emerging tool in the biological system which enhances the field of technology in a favorable way for patients.

Digital Health Care

Digital technologies are reinventing healthcare across the patient lifecycle, enabling a more personalized, timely, and cost-effective treatment journey. The influx of smarter devices, mobile solutions, and patient-centered technologies mean industry trends are evolving, and by 2020 the healthcare continuum as we know it today will be unrecognizable. Generally, digital healthcare is concerned with the development of interconnected health systems so as to improve the use of computational technologies, smart devices, computational analysis techniques, and communication media to aid healthcare professionals and patients manage illnesses and health risks, as well as promote health and wellbeing Digital healthcare is a multi-disciplinary domain which involves many stakeholders, including clinicians, researchers, and scientists with a wide range of expertise in healthcare, engineering, social sciences, public health, health economics, and management.

Business Tourism Market and Hospitality Services

Business tourism is a lucrative, fast-growing segment of the world's largest industry sector. Good niches in business tourism exist for developing and transitioning economies. Business tourism is defined as leisure activities in conjunction with business travel. The hospitality industry is a broad category of fields within the service industry that includes lodging, food, and drink service, event planning, theme parks, travel, and tourism. It includes hotels, tourism agencies, restaurants, and bars.
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