
Sep 12-13, 2022    Rome, Italy
5th International webinar on

5th International Webinar on Medical Tourism Healthcare


Medical tourism

The Medical Tourism   is the process of travelling to various countries in order to obtain medical attention. The word correctly referred to patients from less developed countries travelling to developed countries in search of care that was not available in their home country. In recent years, it has also been used to characterise people from developed countries who migrate to developing countries for lower-cost medical care. The motive may also be for medical facilities that are inaccessible or Unlicensed in the home country: medical authorities (FDA, EMA, etc.) around the world have different opinions about whether or not a medicine should be accepted in their country.

Health Care

Health care Medical professionals' attempts to restore our physical and mental well-being are referred to as health care. The word also refers to programmes that help people preserve their emotional well-being. People and organisations that offer these programmes are referred to as "Health-Care providers." The individuals are widely used in health staff, health-care practitioners, health-care personnel, or health-care professionals.HealthCareTravel that focuses on medical procedures and the use of healthcare services is known as health care tourism. It includes a broad range of Health-Related travel, from preventive and health-promoting therapies to recovery and curative travel. A similar sector is wellness tourism.

Health and Medical Tourism


Medical tourism is where people travel from one country to another for the medical treatment .The factors that mainly contribute to the medical tourism are high costs, prolonged wait for the surgeries, ease and comfort ability and also to meet the technology and standards of many countries. The various surgeries and transplantations such as Cosmetic Surgery, organ transplantation, Infertility Treatment, etc. … has become a prominent one among most of the developed countries. Medical tourism also contributes greatly to the government revenues and offers employment opportunities to the native individuals.

  • Operative Gynaecology
  • Operative Obstetrics
  • Obstetrical Analgesia and Anaesthesia
  • Recent Advances in Gynaecology
  • Pregnancy Care and Delivery

Challenges involved in medical tourism

Even though there are various edges and opportunities which comes under the Medical Tourism, potential medical tourists who are looking forward to exploit these benefits would be considered as a strong challenge. Authorization and varied quality measures which has a refusal worldwide will end up to be risky and even dangerous for Medical Tourists to ponder, creating medical commercial enterprise which results in a difficult methodology. There are several healthcare policies which monitor the overall tourism and also medical tourism has various legal and ethical issues such as cross border services, hospital management and also poses a major challenge to the healthcare suppliers.

  • Health accreditation
  • Healthcare policies
  • Cross border services
  • Legal issues
  • Ethical issues

Travel behavior of health tourists

Scholars interested in user behavior studies have investigated several variables in the realm of travel and tourism and linked them to individual behaviour. Image of the place, environmental awareness, service perception, preferences, and motivations are all variables to consider are frequently used to comprehend and forecast destination selections and travel behaviour. There's also enough data to imply that adopting a healthy lifestyle is linked to travel. There has been little Empirical research done to explore and examine the nature of the relationship between healthy living and travel behaviour, if any has been done at all.

Global economy in Health Care

Globalization is a key challenge to public health, especially in developing countries where also the health economists study the functioning of health care systems & health-affecting behaviours like drinking, smoking etc. The framework encompasses both direct and  indirect effects on health, operating through the National Economy, household economies and health-related sectors such as water, sanitation, clinical practices and education  as well as more direct effects on population-level and individual risk factors on the Health Care System.

Digital Health Care

Digital technologies are reinventing healthcare across the patient lifecycle, enabling a more personalised, timely and cost-effective treatment journey. The influx of smarter devices, mobile solutions and Patient-Centred technologies means industry trends are evolving, and by 2020 the Healthcare continuum as we know it today, will be unrecognisable.

Women’s Healthcare

Women’s health differs from those of men by unique biological, social and behavioural conditions. Research has been carried out in large scale clinical trials and advancements in health studies is also done in the developed countries. The leading death rates in women include cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, PCOS, menopause, etc. The major threat in the developing countries is the maternal deaths which are continuously increasingly due to poor health. Young women and adolescents face the risks that include STIs, Pregnancy and unsafe abortion, while older women are at risk of neurogenetic diseases.

Diabetes melitus and pregnancy

Cardiovascular diseases

Anaemia and osteoporosis

Breast and cervical cancer


Nursing and Healthcare

Cardiac nurses are among the primary sought-after health care occupations. While most Cardiovascular nurses work in hospitals and also, they offer a wide range of services in multiple settings. Cardiac nurses use their skill to care for patients of different ages groups. The old population regularly receives the top care that Cardiovascular nurses provide. However, some cardiovascular nurses specify in the care of newborns and children. Cardiac nurse’s measure, strategy, implements and assesses health care services for patient’s pain from genetic Malformations, myocardial infarctions and vascular syndromes. They provide facilities to persons suffering from many other Cardiac ills .Patients may have irregular heartbeats or heart valve problems. They might suffer from fluid buildup and have high blood pressure.

Healthcare Management and Emerging Trends


Healthcare management is responsibility of the whole Healthcare organization although Healthcare Administration takes care of the staff and employees.. As the Hospital management have a trend that is for engaging the gradually value of conscious patients and consumers. As the exploring investment models have required to finance to switch in the healthcare system. For recognizing the changes in Organization skills and expertise the leaders should be accelerate, innovate and improve the value of Healthcare System. A mutual thread throughout the possibilities of the findings believes that patients will become more involved in their own care.



Healthcare and Sociology


Medical sociology can also be defined as the scientific study of the social planning of health. In this case, it is a study of how social factors (e.g., class, race, gender, religion, civilization, relationship network, marriage, educational status, age, place, and cultural practices) impact Human health.

Sociological research has contributed to improving the definition of health and well-being through studies of how social organization and culture impact health, the popularity of illness among individuals and groups, the accessibility and receiving of treatment, and the functioning of the Health Care delivery system.

  • Structural-functional theory
  • Social conflict theory
  • Feminism
  • Symbolic interactionism

Global Healthcare Economics

Health economics is a discipline of economics that studies the efficiency, effectiveness, value, and behaviour of health and healthcare producers and consumers.Interactions between individuals, healthcare professionals, and clinical settings are vital in understanding how to enhance health outcomes and lifestyle habits.Health economists look at how healthcare systems work as well as health-related habits including smoking, diabetes, and obesity.

Health Insurance and Equity

Health Insurance and Equity
Health insurance and equity plays a major role in the healthcare system across different population. Both insure and secure whole or part of the risk of a person incurring medical expenses and the risk over a large population and the quality of the health and healthcare. It will be estimating the overall expenses over the risk pool; on the other hand Health equity is quite different from health equality, as it refers only to the absence of inequality in controllable or remediable aspects of health.
Speakers Interview