
Mar 19-20, 2021    London, UK

European Summit on Dental and Oral Health

Mark Bonner
09:45 AM-10:30 AM

Mark Bonner

International Institute of Periodontology Canada

Title: Reassessing the role of Entamoeba gingivalis in periodontitis


The protozoan Entamoeba gingivalis resides in the oral cavity and is frequently observed in the periodontal pockets of humans and pets. This species of Entamoeba is closely related to the human pathogen Entamoeba histolytica, the agent of amoebiasis. Although E. gingivalis is highly enriched in people with periodontitis (a disease in which inflammation and bone loss correlate with changes in the microbial flora), the potential role of this protozoan in oral infectious diseases is not known. Periodontitis affects half the adult population in the world, eventually leads to edentulism, and has been linked to other pathologies, like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. As aging is a risk factor for the disorder, it is considered an inevitable physiological process, even though it can be prevented and cured. However, the impact of periodontitis on the patient's health and quality of life, as well as its economic burden, are underestimated. Commonly accepted models explain the progression from health to gingivitis and then periodontitis by a gradual change in the identity and proportion of bacterial microorganisms in the gingival crevices. Though not pathognomonic, inflammation is always present in periodontitis. The recruitment of leukocytes to inflamed gums and their passage to the periodontal pocket lumen are speculated to fuel both tissue destruction and the development of the flora. The individual contribution to the disease of each bacterial species is difficult to establish and the eventual role of protozoa in the fate of this disease has been ignored. Following recent scientific findings, we discuss the relevance of these data and propose that the status of E. gingivalis be reconsidered as a potential pathogen contributing to periodontitis.


Mark Bonner highlights the painful ignorance of people with periodontal disease. Author, lecturer, trainer and practitioner, Dr. Bonner has devoted his career to the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease. The result of practical experience and also of associations with research centres, Dr. Bonner has perfected a gentle technique, without surgery, to cure cases of periodontitis, with exceptional results. More than 1,000 practitioners worldwide attended Dr. Bonner’s Periodontal Health seminar.