
May 29, 2021    London, UK

12th Webinar on Healthcare - Health Economics and Policy

Ahmed Yahya Ayoub

Ahmed Yahya Ayoub

Al Dhafra Hospital, UAE

Title: Health Care Providers’ Perspective about Factors Contributing Patients safety culture


Introduction: Hospital safety culture assessment is being used as a management tool, and encouraged by health policymakers and managers around the world. The evaluation of the healthcare organization’s current safety culture is the first step in establishing a culture that promotes and supports safety. An understanding of the safety culture is vital to improve the problematic practices or attitudes such as miscommunication, adverse events and a non-punitive response to errors, which can lead to an improvement in the safety culture of primary care.

Purpose: The main goals of this integrated literature review are to evaluate health care provider’s perceptions toward patient safety culture. Moreover, Investigate health care provider’sattitudes toward patient safety.

Methods: A comprehensive in-depth review of recent worldwide studies associated to patient safety culture was done. An extensive search for the literature published between 2015and 2020 was searched through multiple electronic databases; PubMed, Science direct, Wolters Kluwer Health, Karger, SAGE journal and BMC by using keywords “Patient safety culture, patient safety, health care providers, adverse event, Attitude, Perception”. Articles met the inclusion criteria (n=18), and were included in the current integrative review.

Conclusion: The included studies have revealed that hospital organizational cultures need urgent improvement as regards patient safety since the majority of the tool dimensions did not reach the desired score. Patient safety remains a global problem that affects the hospitals across the world. The present integrated review has recognized that “non-punitive response to error” did not achieve positive response in all included studies. Administration in healthcare organization tend to think that a ‘culture of blame’ still exists that prevents them from reporting incidents. Therefore, staff should be encouraged by healthcare organizations to report medical errors to help identify risks to patients and help healthcare organizations learn from their mistakes


Mr. Ahmed Yahya Ayoub have become an official healthcare provider. He finished his Bachelor’s Degree from Philadelphia University in Jordan 2009. Eventually he proceeds to Study Master’s in Oncology Nursing from Hashemite University in 2013. Establish studying master Nursing Administration in Azarqa University 2019, He has an impressive work experience as a Senior Charge Nurse at King Hussein Cancer Center, Jordan. He is currently working now in Al Dhafra Hospitals / SEHA United Arab Emirates as Outpatient Staff Nurse for more than Five years. He has 6 published papers entitled.