
October 17, 2022    Paris, France

2nd Webinar on

Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Monika Saini

Monika Saini

GISMA Business School Germany



Today’s health care informaticics is the prime focused in the pandemic .Digital health care system is the new era in healthcare sector . Covid-19 pandemic expanded the adoption of digital health technology  to the next level .With the rapid development of the technology people are going to monitor health in their own hands.   Digital health informatics is the future for health care professions . The digital data generated from devices and software provides opportunities to enhance knowledge and understanding about health, illness and disease, and improve medical diagnosis and care. Companies are focusing on developing software via developing the app for individual support for individual care. Bayer’s developed the APP ADA HEALTH PARTICULAR ACCESSIBLE FOR developed countries where consumers can easily access the product list, treatment, and prevention. The technology is merged with health care industry and developed new opportunities for Global Health DT Such as robotics process automation and artificial Intelligence improves quality of health at lower cost   for ex Deloitte developed the data health care system for US Physicians to monitor the heath care system in a smooth and advancing manner by eliminating busy work load. Digital technologies are increasingly used in medical training and other healthcare consumers to access, share and create health information of  the patients. Data generated from devices and software provides opportunities to enhance knowledge and understanding about health, illness and disease, and improve medical diagnosis and care. On the other side  Medical professions are worked under challenging environment  in pandemic compromised with their own health care system   challenged to maintain the good quality of staff for the next level So the introduction of digital tool in the  healthcare system lowers the workload of existing one   and  generate new waves in the medical facilities.

Conclusion: Digital heath informatics reframe the face of healthcare and pharma industry .With it the people are more aware about health care system through apps and social media platforms which gives the fascinating  and innovative outcomes to the health care professions and the upcoming generation  who wants to make career in Digital Health informatics.


Monika Saini from Regulatory Affairs background with 4 years of experience in pharmaceuticals for the international market. She has developed powerful skills in Dossier filing and Registration for the international market, especially in ASEAN, AFRICAN, MIDDLE EAST, CANADA, and the ROW region. Right now She is in Germany for the last two years and just completed her MSc in Strategic Business Management. Her main roles of interest are digitalization in the Pharma industry in the upcoming years. She has successfully submitted her research work on the same topic. This approach is valuable for the healthcare profession and stack holders