
March 25, 2021    London, UK

1st Webinar on

Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine

Sundeep Mishra

Sundeep Mishra

All India Institute Of Medical Sciences India

Title: Do cardiology interventions increase life-expectancy: quest for the moon rabbit?


The search for elixir of immortality has yielded mixed results. While some of the interventions like percutaneous coronary interventions and coronary artery bypass grafting have been a huge disappointment at least as far as prolongation of life is concerned, their absolute benefit is meager and that too in very sick patients. Cardiac specific drugs like statins and aspirin have fared slightly better, being useful in patients with manifest coronary artery disease, particularly in sicker populations although even their usefulness in primary prevention is rather low. The only strategies of proven benefit in primary/primordial prevention are pursuing a healthy life-style and its modification when appropriate, like cessation of smoking, weight reduction, increasing physical activity, eating a healthy diet and bringing blood pressure, serum cholesterol, and blood glucose under control.


Sundeep Mishra is the Professor of Cardiology at AIIMS, New Delhi. He did his DM in Cardiology from AIIMS and did his Fellowship in Interventional Cardiology from Washington Hospital Center. He has been invited as Guest Editor of Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions Journal, and was Guest Editor of Indian Heart Journal. He is National Course Director, American College of Cardiology “National Talent Hunt Examination 2013.”He is the Program Director for TCT India. He is a Member of SCAI Publication Committee. He is a voting Member of SCAI International Committee and India Working Group. He is in the Organizing Board of Asia PCR Sing Live. He has been awarded Young Leader Award by CRT. He was the first person to do Virtual Histology in India and transmitted Live to Singapore Live, 2006 and AICT 2006. He is the Past Chairman of National Intervention Council of India. He was the Course Director of Sri Lanka Interventional Meeting 2013 and in Organizing Committee of PCR, ICI, and TCT-AP. He successful led Indian physicians and conducted sessions in EuroPCR, TCT, AsiaPCR / Sing Live, SOLACI, TCT-Asia Pacific, Gulf PCR / GIM, ENCORE, CCT, Israel Heart Society, Turkish Heart Society Meetings and Italian Heart Society. He was awarded “Young Leader Award” by Cardiovascular Revascularization Therapeutics (CRT), Washington DC and has been awarded Sujoy B Roy “Young Investigator Award” and KL Chopra Award by Cardiological Society of India.