
Nov 23-24, 2020    Madrid, Spain

2nd Global Congress on Polymer Chemistry and Biopolymers

Michael Fischlschweiger
09:00 AM-09:30 AM

Michael Fischlschweiger

Clausthal University of Technology Germany


Biography: Michael Fischlschweiger is full professor at Clausthal University of Technology. He is heading the Chair of Technical Thermodynamics and Energy Efficient Material Treatment at the Institute for Energy Process Engineering and Fuel Technology. He holds a BSc and MSc in Polymer Engineering & Science and a PhD in Materials Mechanics and Numerical Mathematics from the University of Leoben, Austria. The doctoral theses was conducted jointly between the Centre des Matériaux (MINES ParisTech) and the University of Leoben. Additionally, he holds a PhD in Thermodynamics from Technical University of Berlin. His major research focus is on theoretical and experimental thermodynamics for developing resource efficient materials, processes and products.